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  • මෙම සංස්කරණය ප්‍රියංග ජයසූරිය විසිනි.


ඔරේන්ජ් ඉලෙක්ට්‍රිකල් ආයතනය,  ඉතා ඉහල එමෙන්ම විශ්වාසදායි සේවාවක් ලබා දෙමින්, 1978 වසරේ සිට විදුළි උපකරණ ආනයන,අපනයන ක්ශේත්‍රයේ දැවැන්තයින් අතර තමන්ගේ නාමයද ඉහලින්ම තැබීමට සමත් වී ඇත.කොළඹ නගරයේ සිටිමින්,විවිධ ක්ෂේත්‍ර වල නියුතු කර්මාන්ත හට ඔවුන්ගේ නිෂ්පාතන කාර්‍ය්යන් කරගෙන යාමට අවශ්‍ය භාණ්ඩ හා සේවාවන් ලබා දෙමින් සාර්ථකතවය කරා පිය නගන්නට එනිසාම ඔවුන් සමත් වී ඇත...
... වෑඩි විස්තර  මෙතනින් 


Bio Extracts (Pvt) Ltd., manufacturers of range of Essential Oils, Fatty Oils & Herbal Health Products has a production facility GMP approved by the Department of Ayurveda, Ministry of Health Sri Lanka. All products manufactured by our company are subjected to Toxicological study before marketing. The ranges of products are approved by the Department of Ayurveda, Ministry of Health Sri Lanka. All our products are Halal certified. වෑඩි විස්තර මෙතනින්


We launched our business over 70 years ago, in the deep South of Sri Lanka. Like most successful ventures, we started small. We set out to supply our immediate neighbourhood, the people we knew and met everyday with good wholesome household items of food like rice and kurakkan, chillies etc.
Today we market a wide range of food items, throughout the length and breadth of the island. We have grown to be one of the unquestioned leaders in the field and the name Harischandra has become a household word for good reliable food.
web -


The Kingdom of Raigam is a diversified group of companies incorporated in Sri Lanka, engaged in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods industry as Manufacturer, Distributor, Retailer, Importer, Exporter, and Sole Agent for certain International Brands in Bakery Products. As the market leader for certain products handled by the group, The Kingdom of Raigam has won many awards for excellence in Quality as well as for the discharge of Social Responsibilities.Specialty of Raigam Products is the high standard of quality and mouth watering taste due to the uniqueness of their recipes, whether they be Soya Products, Salt- Crystal & Table, Biscuits, Coffee, Instant Fruit Drinks, Rice Flour or Noodles.


ඩයනා වෙළඳ නාමය යටතේ ඔබ වෙත එන සියළුම නිෂ්පාදනයන්ගේ මිනිස් සිරුරට අහිතකර වූ whey ප්‍රෝටීන හෝ dcd සහිත කිරිපිටි වර්ග අංගු නොවන බවට අපි ඔබට සහතික වන්නෙමු.
 ඉතා පිරිසිදු මෙන්ම සෞක්‍යාරක්ශිත අමුද්‍රව්‍ය යොදා ගනිමින් ඉතා ඉහල නිශ්පාදන ක්‍රියාවලියන් ඔස්සේ මිනිස් සිරුරට අහිතක නොවන පරිදි නිශ්පාදනය වන  Diana Chocolates (Pvt) Ltd | Diana Trading Co. (Pvt) Ltd වෙළෙඳ නාමයන් ඔස්සේ ඔබ වෙත එන ඩයනා නිශ්පාදන වල ගුණාත්මක බව පිළිබඳව අප ආයතනය නිරතුරුව විමසිලිමත් වෙමු.


අරමුණු සඵල කර ගනිමින්,තම අදහස මුදුන් පමුණුවා ගැනීමට සමත් වූ ඩී සැමසන් රාජපක්ශ මහතා 1962 වසරේදී dsi නමින් අද ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ අංක 1 පාවහන් ලෙස නම් දරා ඇති පාවහන් නිශ්පාදන කම්හල ආරම්භ කරන ලදී.ඒ සරල තාක්ශනික උපක්‍රම උපයෝගී කර ගනිමින් පාරිභෝගිකයින් වෙත උසස් තත්වයෙන් යුතු පාවහන් පාරිභෝගිකයින් හට ලබා දීමටයි.
දකුණු පලාතේ ගාලු පුරව‍රයෙන් බිහි වූ dsi නාමය අද රට පුරා සිවු දෙස සිසාරා තම නිශ්පාදන බෙදා හරිනු ලබයි.වෑඩි විස්තර මෙතනින් 


Pelwatte Sugar Industries PLC is the Sri Lanka’s largest manufacturer of sugar and other by-products from raw sugar cane. The Company manages a 2,700 hectare Nucleus estate and a Settlement estate of 3,500 hectares situated in the Moneragala District of the Uva Province. It became part of the DCSL Group following an acquisition of 47% stake in March 2011.

Dayasiri Garments Industries
Manufacturers of Childrens Wear,Mens Wear,Ladies Wear.
Computerised Embroidery for Export.
Manufacturers of Corrugated Cartons & Quality Tea for Export.

“A sage conceived in the 1970’s amidst an abundantly fresh Misty mountainous environment, to be the provider of a nutrient necessity In its’ healthiest form to the motherland, ensuring citizenry of an utmost succulent culinary experience, successfully evolves, to be admired as the worthy leader in the name of CRYSBRO”


Kandos, Proudly launched a new product to the market called Sweet treat with 3 flavours, especially catering & targeting the teenagers It’s coming in to ayour hands with a blend of full milky cream instead of chocolate
Samson Rubber Industries (Pvt) Ltd – SRI, was established in 1983 as a member of the DSI Samson Group for the manufacture of pneumatic tyres & tubes. All SRI products are brand named DSI. The company is strategically situated with easy access to sea and airport.
With over 40 years of experience, innovation, technology and quality are the guiding principles behind everything we do in achieving our vision of becoming the No.1 biscuit, chocolate and confectionary manufacturer and marketer in Asia, while developing a global presence and recognition.
Late Mr. M.H.M.Thajudeen founded the Kandurata Umbrella Industries which began as a small manufacturing business over three decades ago. Taken over from Mr.M.H.M Siddeek ( Former chairman ), today it is under the dynamic Stewardship of Deshamanya Dr. M.T.M Nawushad ( Managing Director / Chairman ) and Mr. M.T.M Nawufal ( Director Operations ) who manages the core business, which is the manufacture of high quality range of umbrellas with the Penguin Brand to the target markets.
One of Sri Lanka’s fastest growing exports companies and ranking among the largest tea exporters HVA Foods Pvt. Ltd. was established in 1996 as a BOI approved company. Prior to that the company began business in 1990 as HVA Lanka Exports Pvt. Ltd. as an affiliate of HVA International a Dutch based agricultural development company that had a global presence. In 1993 the Company came under the ownership of a completely Sri Lankan board of directors.
Multichemi International Ltd , 1993 වසරේදී සේවකයන් අට දෙනෙකුගෙන් යුක්ත සමාගමක් අරඹමින් ශී‍්‍ර ලාංකික ව්‍යාපාරික ලොවට ප‍්‍රවිෂ්ඨ වූ ඒ මහතා මේ වන විට නේචර්ස් බියුටි කි‍්‍රයේෂන්, මල්ටිකෙම් ඉන්ටර්නැෂනල්, මල්ටිකෙමි එක්ස්පෝර්ට්, මල්ටිකෙමි බංග්ලාදේශ්, ඊකෝ පෙ‍්‍රාටෙක්ට් ඉන්ජිනියරින් යන සමාගම්වල හිමිකරු වෙයි.
ශී‍්‍ර ලංකාවට ප‍්‍රථම වතාවට පරිසර හිතකාමී පිරිසිදු කාරකයක් හඳුන්වා දෙමින් ව්‍යාපාරික ලොවට පාතැබූ හෙතෙම සෑම විටම අලුත් හා නිර්මාණශීලී නිෂ්පාදන වෙළෙඳපොළට හඳුන්වා දීමට උත්සුක විය.

රෙදිපිළි සැකසීමේදී සහ නිමි ඇඳුම් නිෂ්පාදනය කිරීමේදී අදාළ එන්සයිම අපනයනය කිරීමේ පුරෝගාමියා වන කුමාරසිංහ මහතා ශී‍්‍ර ලංකා ආයෝජන මණ්ඩලයේ අනුමැතිය ඇතිව බංග්ලාදේශයේ නිෂ්පාදන ආයතනයක් ඇරැඹූ ප‍්‍රථම ශී‍්‍ර ලාංකිකයා ද වෙයි.
වෑඩි විස්තර මෙතනින් 
Address - No: 377/1, Welsiri Mawatha, Hokandara South,   Hokandara
Telephone 094-11-2465406
Fax - 94-11-2465313web
The natural ingredients used in Nature’s Secrets products are grown locally and carefully extracted in Nature’s Beauty Creations high tech laboratories, maintaining ISO and GMP standards, ensuring authenticity, hygiene and freshness.

නේචර් බියුටි කි‍්‍රයේෂන් තම උසස් නිෂ්පාදන හේතුවෙන් අතිවිශිෂ්ට නිෂ්පාදන ක‍්‍රමවේදයක් සඳහා පිරිනැමෙන ගෞරවණීය GMP සහතිකය දිනාගත් සමාගමකි.තත්ත්ව සහතික පිරිනමන අන්තර්ජාතික SGS ආයතනය විසින් මේ සහතිකය පිරිනමා ඇති අතර ශී‍්‍ර ලාංකික රූපලාවන්‍ය නිෂ්පාදන ආයතනයක් මේ සම්මානයෙන් පිදුම් ලද පළමු වතාව මෙය වෙයි.නේචර් සීක‍්‍රට් නිෂ්පාදන ඉතා උසස් සනීපාරක්‍ෂක ක‍්‍රම යටතේ නිෂ්පාදනය කිරීම සැළකිල්ලට ගෙන මේ සහතිකය පිරිනමා ඇති අතර, නොයෙක් විශ්ළේෂණයන් සහ පාලන ක‍්‍රම මගින් නිෂ්පාදන කි‍්‍රයාවලිය ක‍්‍රමානුකූලව අධීක්ෂණය කරමින් සහතිකය පරිනැමීමට සුදුසුකම් සොයා බැලිණි.නිෂ්පාදන කි‍්‍රයාවලියට සම්බන්ධ සේවකයන්ට සහ නිලධාරීන්ට ඊට අවශ්‍ය සුදුසුකම් පවතීද යන්නත් මෙහිදී සැලකිල්ලට ගැනිණි.
වෑඩි විස්තර මෙතනින් 
The National Milk Board which was formed government agency involved in dairy development, milk collection, milk processing and marketing since 1956 to 1986. In 1986, it was converted into Milk Industries of Lanka Co. Limited under the World Bank project. All properties and functions of N M B were transferred to Milco. Milco is a public company which has effective plant capacity of 200,000 liters per day.
Interpharm Private Ltd. Which was incorporated in 1990 was established to manufacture high quality generic Pharmaceuticals for the State and Private sector. From its inception Interpharm ( Pvt ) Ltd focused on quality on quality the fundamental premises of our operations

hasuna products
acl cables
ACL Cables Ltd, is the largest manufacture of Cables in Sri Lanka. Having pioneered the industry in 1962, today ACL has grown to a Group of Companies holding a 70% share of the cable market in Sri Lanka.
City Cycle Industries (Pvt) Limited and experience a taste of the inventive streak that dazzled the cycle lovers of Sri Lanka for more than 5 decades. Resulting in three generations of Sri Lankans who share the experience of their first bicycle being purchased or originated from City Cycle Industries (Pvt) Ltd. We are a company on a relentless mission, achieve a reputation for the production of cycles that are on par with the world’s best cycles.
At present the earth is running out of resources due to the high consumer rates. Hence analyzing the importance of the growing demand for alternative building materials in the Sri Lankan Construction Industry, Durra Building Systems (Pvt) Ltd, a fully owned subsidiary of International Construction Consortium Limited has embarked on a modern, innovative project to manufacture multipurpose building panels of paddy straw.
Since the introduction of a variety of cordials in 1973 under the Edinborough brand, we have been manufacturing and marketing a range of quality food products to the Sri Lankan market with time to time improvements according to the customer demand. Edinborough range include varieties of Jams, Cordials, Sauces, Chutneys etc., and these products are developed with inputs of professional chefs. Further, we respond to the needs of major individual institutions in the development of “tailor made” speciality products and private labeling, as well.
ltl holding
LTL Holdings, formally known as Lanka Transformers Group of Companies is a dynamic Engineering Enterprise engaged in Manufacturing, Construction & Service industries spanning across Electrical, Mechanical and Civil engineering fields. LTL is renowned as Engineering, Procurement& Construction (EPC) contractors of major Power projects, including High Voltage Transmission Lines ( Overhead as well as underground), Grid Substations, and Power Generating Stations.
wm lalanka
Lalanka contributes knowledge and expertise to efficiently treat the emanating waste water from production processes before its’ release to the environment. Our contribution to the preservation of maintaining a safe environment to the nation is one of the most gratifying experiences enjoyed by the Management by our superior designs in waste water management.
Established as Lucky Lanka Milk Processing Company Limited, we are proud to be the number one yogurt manufacturer under the brand name “Lucky” . More famously known as “Lucky”, we are Sri Lanka’s favorite dairy products manufacture, currently manufacturing yogurts and pasteurized milk. We are in the forefront innovating nutritious products in diverse tastes and flavors.
Micro Cars Limited is established in Sri Lanka by veteran Automobile Engineer, Dr. Lawrence Perera. The idea is to create a low-cost manufacturing and assembly operation that could produce high quality vehicles utilizing the resources and labor force of a developing nation.
Micro Cars Limited has positioned itself as the only National Car Manufacturer having its own patent for small city cars which are made affordable to the general public and also caters to various other market segments through assembly of a range of vehicles catering to the ever growing automobile market within the country.
Orient Lanka Confectionery (Pvt) Ltd, manufactures of MAAM biscuits is an ISO 22000:2005 certified company in Kandy, Sri Lanka. It was awarded to Orient Lanka because the “company demonstrated that its quality management system conforms to the standard, has the ability to provide products that fulfill applicable customer and regulatory requirements, and aims to enhance customer satisfaction,” according to a company statement.
Pee Bee Management Services Limited was incorporated in 1979, with the primary objective of manufacturing all types of Soft Disposable tissue paper products. The Company is a pioneer in the manufacture of Soft Disposable Tissue Paper Products under the Brand Flora Tissues.
Ruhunu Foods (Pvt) Ltd., Manufacturers & exporters of “Value Added” quality ground spices, condiments, flour products, essential oils, oileoresins & relishes.
Established in 1978 in Kandy, Ruhunu Foods (Pvt) Ltd., became the first to acquire the local SLS quality certificate for ground spices and flour category and achieved the HACCP, ISO 9001:2000, ISO 22000:2005 system certification internationally and the HALAL certification from the “All Ceylon Jumiathul Association”.
The premier business conglomerate & market leader for footwear and bicycle tyres in Sri Lanka. The DSI Samson Group consists of 22 subsidiaries successfully servicing local and international markets since 1962.
ANTON began our journey in 1960 dedicating ourselves to the art of transporting water. Our range of pipes and fittings is made with state-of-art technology and conform to highest standards.
SOLEX ENGINEERING (PVT.) LTD are an ISO 17025 certified company who are manufacturers and exporters of a complete range of single and three phase centrifugal water pumps, agricultural pumps, submersible pumps, high pressure pumps, multiple stage vertical and horizontal centrifugal pumps, Industrial water pumps, engine driven pumps, diesel engine, bare shaft pumps, Booster Pumps, pumps for Clean water and Sewage applications and tailor made pumps for special applications.
wijaya products
Wijaya products institution emerged successful out of a much difficult venture With the advent of several indigenous business enterprises to the Sri Lankan market, consequent to the open economy concept Wijaya Products Private Limited today with its customer confidence, surfaces into proud successful.
kelani cables
Kelani Cables PLC. (KCL) was founded in 1969. Kelani is the pioneer in Sri Lanka’s wire drawing industry. In 1973, KCL was incorporated as a quoted public limited liability company for the manufacture of power cables, telecommunications cables, and enamelled winding wires in Sri Lanka

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