ප්රතිසංස්කරණය කරන ලද  අඹන්පිටිය ඩෝසන් නිකේතනය ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ මැතිතුමා විසින් 2014 ජනවාරි මස විවෘත කරන ලදී. රුපියල් මිලියන හැත්තෑවක් ක වියදමින් ප්රතිසංස්කරණය කළ නිවාසය අධිරාජ්ය සමයේ ඉදිකර ඇත.

Ambanpitiya Dawson Bungalow Sri Lanka

The renovated Ambanpitiya Dawson Bungalow was opened January 2014 by the President mahinda rajapaksha. The Bungalow renovated at a cost of seventy million rupees has been constructed during the imperial times.

Captain William Francis Dawson (born ???? - died 29 March 1829) was a prominent road builder in British Ceylon (present-day Sri Lanka). An Engineer attached to the Royal Engineers, he was given the task of building the Colombo - Kandy Road linking Colombo and Kandy. The job took its toll on Dawson, who died before it was completed. It would be the first modern highway in the island. In the memory of Captain Dawson, the Dawson Tower was erected at Kadugannawa in the Kadugannawa Pass.

Dawson Tower, is located on Kadugannawa in the Kadugannawa Pass next to the Colombo - Kandy Road first modern highway in the island. Work began on the Colombo - Kandy Road in 1820 under the direction of Captain Dawson who died during the project. The Dawson Tower was erected in memory of Captain Dawson. - from Wikipedia

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