we have developed a website for get more attention to the Sri Lankan stage dramas.
Now a days stage dramas are getting away from the Sri Lankan society. Most of the people tend to watch English and hindi movies in film holes.
So if we can get more attentions to stage drams it is good for sri lanka.
I am requesting from you to do a post about our web site.
website: http://stagedrama.lk/
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/elinkstagedrama.lk

Now a days stage dramas are getting away from the Sri Lankan society. Most of the people tend to watch English and hindi movies in film holes.
So if we can get more attentions to stage drams it is good for sri lanka.
I am requesting from you to do a post about our web site.
website: http://stagedrama.lk/
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/elinkstagedrama.lk