පී. සී. බී. හවුස් "රෙඩ් ඇන්ටෙනා"
* අති ප්රබල සංඥා ජවග්රහණය
* දිවයින පුරා පැහැදිලි දසුන්
* ඕනෑම දේශගුණයකට ඔරොත්තු දෙන හා කල්පවතින ආරක්ෂාකාරී ඇනෝඩයිස් රතු ආවරණය සහිත ඇනෝඩයිස් බටය
PCB LANKA (PVT) LTD, a Sri Lanka based professional Printed Circuit Board manufacturer specialized in small, mid and high volume productions, was well established by a group of experienced people to provides high quality products at the most competitive price. With experiences personnel and our state-of-the-art equipments, we are able to manufacture high quality Printed Circuit Boards which will meet you rigid specifications. And our customer-oriented service always depends at the earliest possible time. Our reliable quality and low price will make your products more competitive. We invite you to become familiar with our company.
Kindly contact pcbhouse@sltnet.lk or +94 777 389 807 for further details.
facebook page : PCB Lanka (PVT) LTD