මගී නෞකාවේ මැදිරි පන්ති 3 ක් යටතේ ඉදිකෙරෙන අතර මුළුමනින්ම වායු සමීකරණය කෙරෙනවා. මේ ආකාරයේ නෞකා 2 ක් ලක්ෂද්වීප් දිවයින් සඳහා ඉදිකිරීමටයි සමාගම ගිවිසුම් ගෙන ඇත්තේ. මෙම නෞකා ඉන්දියාවේ - කොචින් සහ ලක්ෂද්වීප් දිවයින් අතර මගී ප්රවාහනය සඳහා යොදා ගැනීමට නියමිතයි.
Colombo dockyard launches 400 passenger vessel ‘MV. Corals’
The Colombo Dockyard launched a 400 Passenger cum 250 Ton Cargo Vessel today that is being built for the Union Territory of Lakshadweep Administration, Government of India. Shri J. Ashok Kumar Secretary PSA — UTLA took part in the launch. This is the first of two vessels being built.
The launching ceremony was attended to by Shri P. Migdad, Director PSA-UTLA, Capt. Venunath PMS LDCL, Shri B.P. Rai Vice President SB-SCI, Shri. B. Chakravarty General Manager TS&SB-Sd, Ms. V. Lalitha Devi DM- Sd, Shri Manish Counselor - Economic & Commercial of the Indian High Commission. Pix by Pradeep Pathirana
Principal Particulars of the Vessel
Length overall 97.00 m Breadth mid - 17.00 m
Depth 9.20 m Design Draft - 4.20 m
First Class 10 persons Fuel Oil - 400 T
Second Class 40 persons Fresh Water -450 T
Bunk Class 350 persons Dry Cargo - 200 T
Crew 69 persons Endurance - 10 days @15 knots
Speed 15 knots
Deadweight 1200 dwt
Main Engines 2 x YANMAR each engine developing 1920 kW
Propulsion 2 x BERG Controllable Pitch Propellers
Classification Lloyds Register! Indian Register