POSTED ON Friday, September 6, 2013| | Edit Post
Halakuru 2.0 launched with Intelligent Sinhala Input revolutionizing the Digital Sinhala Typing

We are so glad to announce you that Today we launched Helakuru 2.0 - The Intelligent Sinhala Input, revolutionizing the digital Sinhala typing.

Helakuru is a Mobile Sinhala Keyboard Input for SmartPhones which we launched on December 2011 & which was the First ever mobile Sinhala phonetic keyboard to type in Sinhala on smart screens. We even won National Best e-Content Award e-Swabhimani 2012 for this innovation & it is used by Sinhalese mobile phone users all over the world to type in their mother-tongue.

Now with more advanced & innovative features Today we launched a major update for Helakuru versioning as Helakuru 2.0 as the ever made Intelligent Sinhala Input method.

You can use Helakuru 2.0 to type in Sinhala faster than ever with Helakuru Prediction support. Helakuru supports both Sinhala & English Input, so that you even don't need to switch to a different Keyboard to type in English. Helakuru uses Sinhala transliteration as the keyboard layout such that you can type Sinhala phonetically as "ammaa" for "අම්මා" in the same way you type SMS in Singlish. It is also a system-wide Standard Android Keyboard Input which you can use to type in any app.

Helakuru Predictions:

Revolutionizing the Sinhala character input mechanisms, Helakuru introduces you the innovative feature Helakuru Predictions (හෙළකුරු අනාවැකි) which enables you to type Sinhala words in just one two taps, without typing the whole words. When you type with Helakuru, this feature will predict the words as you type so that you can just select your preferred word from predictions without typing it entering letter by letter. It will make your typing speed much faster saving your valuable time.

Helakuru Prediction also supports self-learning so that the new words you type which are not in Helakuru word database such as person names, nicknames, location names & etc will be automatically saved in to Helakuru database & predict them whenever you type those words again.

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