POSTED ON Thursday, April 11, 2013| | Edit Post

View Sinhala Fonts or any Other Bitmap Fonts in Opera mini

Hi there tech fans! I'm posting this tutorial for the Sri Lankans, who's having problems in viewing sinhala fonts in Opera mini browser.As i know most mobile users,using Opera mini or Opera Mobile to brows internet on their mobiles.but if you are not a English reader,you will get in to the trouble of reading content on internet written with you native language.

Here is a toutorial, how to enable the bitmap font settings on the browser to view bitmap fonts.i have used Opera mini 7.0 (Opera mini next) the unreleased version to demonstrate the tutorial.

Check this screen shot.all the boxes( ☐☐ ) are sinhala fonts but you cant read them till we change the browser settings.


1) Open your Opera mini Browser and go to the URL tab where you can see "Enter address"


2)Clear the www. and type opera:config and load the page 


3)Now you will be redirect to the power-user settings of the browser


4)Scroll down to the bottom till you find "Use bitmap fonts for complex scripts" the default setting is "No". click the setting box and select "Yes"


5)Click Save button,and visit the web site you want to read.


 Now the boxes you saw before,can be seen as sinhala fonts.

NOTE : Bitmap font settings is not available in "Opera Mobile" you need Opera mini for view Bitmap fonts.enjoy reading!!

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